In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of plant protein and compare it to animal protein.
The following article is based on a transcript of a video called “Is Plant Protein Superior to Animal Protein?” Watch the complete video to access any visual materials.
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Plant protein Better For Kidney Health
One significant advantage of plant protein is its impact on kidney health. Research suggests that individuals with kidney disease can benefit from a low protein diet. In this regard, it appears that vegetarian and vegan diets outperform mixed diets. The Adventist health study, involving the longest-living (blue zone) population and the most extensive study conducted on plant based diets, supports this by revealing significantly lower rates of kidney disease among groups consuming more plant based foods.

Fewer Pollutants
Plant protein also has lower levels of pollutants. Unlike animal-based protein sources, which can accumulate toxins higher up the food chain, plant-based protein sources are generally cleaner and have fewer pollutants.
The Biggest Studies on Diet
A landmark study published out of Harvard, plus the largest ever diet cohort study (NIH-AARP), both found that replacing just 3% of calories from animal protein with plant protein led to a remarkable 10% decrease in overall mortality.
Animal Protein and Mortality
Shifting towards a higher plant protein intake may improve health and longevity, the researchers state. Blue zone populations, known for their longevity consume more plant based foods and fewer animal based foods. In the earlier mentioned Adventist study, groups consuming more plant foods also had a lower risk of premature death.*

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While incorporating more plant protein into our diet offers clear benefits, it’s important to maintain an inclusive and compassionate mindset. Even adding a few more plant foods to one’s diet should be acknowledged and commended. But the most important thing, we should always aim to treat each other with kindness.
* There is no conclusive evidence that a 100% plant-based diet is superior to a predominantly plant-based diet that includes some animal sources. All we know is that populations who predominantly eat whole plant foods are generally healthier and live longer. We are talking about populations. This does not take into account any individuals with specific health problems or whose digestive system is compromised.